Friday, 29 January 2010

Eye Chart~

3rd Illustration brief: To make an eye chart out of an everyday object. I got PS3 controller. I'm an X-box person. This is the first one I've tried so far with one single vector of the controller. Just waiting to get a controller to photograph so I can do different views and not just one static image.

White BG version with Red:

Off black BG version with Red:

I like the white version better. Doesn't make you strain to see.

The; Live In Your World, See In Ours is a play on the PS slogan.

I want to do a few more variations with better colour's and to test whether you can see the bottom ones at 20 feet.

Tuesday, 26 January 2010

And More Schematics

I don't even know if that word is spelt right any more. Anyhow, here is the revised schematic for the DVD.

Rough Copy:

I'm going to do up on the computer as well so it makes more sense with the added back buttons. I'm still not quite sure if this is EVERYTHING that needs to put on the DVD but if it's not, it'll come to me. Probably in a nightmare where a giant DVD is chasing me.

Digital Version: (Still needs back buttons)

DVD Sub Menu: Design Direction

Movie Season > Design Direction > Story Boards > Draft story boards (Image files that run through all 5 draft story boards)
> Post Cards (Image files that run through the 5x6 story board a6 post cards)
> Illustrations > (Image file of everything I've drawn for this brief)

(This is for my own state of mind as not to get too confused, because I know I will)

Movie Season > Design Direction:

Movie Season > Design Direction > Story Boards:
Which will lead into the drafts and the a6 post cards. Image files that can be flicked through.

The illustrations will also open into a selection of image files of all the illustrations I've done for the Movie Season.

DVD Sub Menu: Research

Ok, here is where I'm going to start getting confused if I don't post these and leave them sat on my hard drive. There are allot of sub category's for the DVD. (I'll need to change the schematic to show the changes)These are the sub Menu's for the Movie Season.

Main Menu > Movie Season > Research:

Main Menu > Movie Season > Research > History Of Robots In Cinema:

Decided to write out the history in Futura because a smaller condensed comic age get's ineligible after a while. It also ties in with the theme.

Main Menu > Movie Season > Research > Robot Character Profiles:

I'm going to make a profile/reference sheet for each character that is featured in the Idents. This will include name, film ect.

Main Menu > Movie Season > Research > Isac Asimov:

A small bio of the man who coined the 3 laws of robotics, which has been used many times in robot films.

DVD Menu Mock Up's

Here are 3 mock up menu's for my DVD. They're not yet finalised and I'm yet to do the sub sections but this is roughly want I want to achieve. Within the menu's I need to put information about each brief, not just the module information on the front page. For a mock up, I don't think I did too badly but there are still bits that need tweaking.

Main Menu:

Silent Movie:
Movie Season:
Sub menu's need to be designed, as well as the overall look for the DVD. The indents them selves have a slight burnt/metal effects. I'm not sure whether I want to do this for my DVD or not, but I don't want them to look Exact.

Thursday, 21 January 2010

Problem Analysis - Rationale 2

OUGD205 - Image

Brief: Type As Image. To produce 3 quotes from the guardian articles and to visually communicate them using only text. No image.

Who Needs To Know: People who pass by the Graphic Design section corridors, other graphic design students and general people in the building.

What Do They Need To Know: The quote in context.

Why Do They Need To Know: Inspiration?

What Will They Respond To: Correlation between the quote and typographic image.

What Research Is Required:
  • Read each article.
  • Investigate each articles subject matter:
  • imagery
  • Typographers that work with image.
  • related quotations
  • Experimental drawings/typography
Chosen Quotes:
  1. Keeping Snakes As Pets
  2. T-Cells
  3. In Their Bones.

Revised Story Boards

Revised story boards from feed back gained in the crit. (Picture to be uploaded)

Wednesday, 20 January 2010

Crit Feed Back

Ok so I got some good feedback from the crit today regarding my idents. I'm not very good at reading joined up writing, so I'm going o try and type out the best I can. Then I don't have to sit and scowl at the paper every time I read it.

  • Design Direction: Suitable to the channel of choice. A clear audience. Could see this working on the sci fi channel. Definite theme running through out them, all fit together as a set.
  • Design Development: Nice sketches and drawn story boards. Nice evenly weighted schematic. Cog shapes (bender) are really working. Very nice drawings, wide range of films and genres within the theme.
  • Visual Quality: Nice burnt metal effect. Clean simple cog one. I know what I'm doing with the software.
  • Technical Competence: Good technical drawing of circuits ect. Good quality of line in characters.
  • Design Direction: Explore colour and maybe typeface? Look at how actual film robots have been designed - can you incorporate that. limited imagery.
  • Design Development: Look into colour and type. Look into your circuit board line animating to create characters. Colour.
  • Visual Quality: Is it a series or is it separate sequences? They look a little "dirty".
  • Technical Competence: line weight of characters should probably be same weight as circuit for consistency.
Additioal Comments:
  • Chop the cogs out of metallic texture, image mask it. This would fit in nicely with the rest of them.
  • Look at Haynes car Manuel. Animate a technical drawing for each characters- label ect. Also Exploded views.
  • Look into faux data visuals, make up a set of specs for each robot.
  • How are they going to move?
  • Are they going to pan across the screen?
  • Like the Bender One. Nice and Clean - Think it works! Like the cog idea of the cogs turning.
  • Should try jumping out of my comfort zone (?)

Tuesday, 19 January 2010

Digtial Roughs

They're still not finalised yet but here are the five digitilsed ident story boards that I've been working on for the crit on wednesday:

1. Marvin; The Hitch-hikers Guide To The Galaxy: "Life, Don't Talk To Me About Life" :

2. Murphy; Robocop: "Dead or alive, you're coming with me":

3. Roy Batty; Blade Runner: "All these moment will be lost in time ... Time to die."

5. Bender; Futurama: "Well...We're Boned." :

Monday, 18 January 2010

Rough Story Boards

Rough/Draft Story Boards I've been working on for the idents. (Pictures to come as I don't have a working camera at the mo)

Saturday, 16 January 2010

Cybernetic Icons

So far I've only managed to make one. This is time consuming and a little bit boring. But then again, vectoring always has been. I find this kind of illustrating restricting and very...straight. (despite the obvious circle). But I am determined to carry on and get them finished because they're not so bad looking.

I suddenly feel like reading Iron Man. Bring on the sarcastic alcoholic.

I can't let you do that Dave. He counts as a robot to, didn't actaully see the similarities until now.

I now have a really good idea for my five idents. I just have to get the rough drafts down before I make anything of it.


To get me into the robot mood, as well as watching various films and cartoons I've been illustrating:
Fender and Marvin from Robots and T he hitch-hikers guide to the galaxy. First sketched them in pencil and then sketched them with an ink pen.

Murphy aka robocop. Looking a bit de-shaped and limbless but he's so bulky and I have a habit of drawing too much in a tiny space.

I probably won't use these for my idents of DVD but it's nice to get into the mood and I've been letting my illustrating skills become "flabby" of late. I'd like to be able to sit in front of piece of paper and simply draw without worrying whether it looks bad and what the final outcome will look like.

Cybernetic Visuals

I've decided to start designing cybernetic/robotic visuals for both my DVD menu and Idents. I've been into this kind of stuff before I was into comic books. Cartoons about people with robotic parts where what was usually playing on the TV when I was kid. (As well as the old X-men cartoons of course.)

Computer's and how they're made has also always fascinated me.

I'm going to digitialise these four and hopefully I'll be able to base both my idents and dvd menu around them.

This is the cybernetic version, I'm also going to do some that are nuts and bolts, gears and clock work movement. However, I'm more drawn towards the future/modern robots.

Friday, 15 January 2010

DVD Menu Schematic V.2

The semi finalised version of my DVD menu. I still feel as if it's missing a few things and that it doesn't quite make sense yet. But there's still time to work on it. Hopefully I should have some rough designs up for what the menu will actually look like. (But this depends on what my five indents turn out like.)

DVD Menu Schematic

First 2 had drawn drafts for my DVD menu. They both look far too cluttered to really make sense at the moment. However, I knew my days as a 13 year old making family tree's for characters would pay off! I love doing stuff like this. I plan to make a digitalised version that is also more readable.

First Attempt:

And a less cluttered version that still needs some polishing:

Obviously I don't have all of the content on there yet but I'm sure once it's finalised it will make more sense.

Action Plan

Action: Loose draft schematic of how the DVD menu will work.
Deadline: 16th of January (Saturday)
Complete: YES!

To have rough outline for the 5 X 6 frame stroy boards.
Deadline: 16th January (Saturday)
Complete: YES!

Action: Work with visuals including type and any imagery I want to include in the idents.
Deadline: 19th January (Tuesday)
Complete: YES!

Action: Set of 5X6 A6 size story boards with appropriate annotations that show my design decisions and how the animation will move.
Deadline: 20th January (Wednesday)
Complete: YES!

Action: Decide on appropriate visuals for the DVD menu
Deadline: 20th January (Wednesday)
Complete: YES!

Action: Finalised A3 size planned out schematic for the DVD menu.
Deadline: 20th January (Wednesday)

Robot Rational

Brief Title:
Robot Movie Season.

Subject and Rational:
Through out cinematic history robots/cybrogs and artificial intelligence have played a primary role. There are a vast quantity of films that include significant robot characters or are about the robots themselves.

I have specifically chosen to work with a range of robot films that appeal to all ages. This is because the movie seasons is about show casing all types of robots and how different movie makers and actors portray them. From life like in A.I and Blade Runner to back to basics in Robots and Short Circuit.

The target audience is that of people who primarily watch the schi-fi channel. However, the five idents can be played on different channels with the sci-fi logo incorporated.

Design Directions:
I have decided to use the two sides of robot design in making my five idents. Two will be back to basics using gears, nuts and bolts while the other two will be more cybernetic (Binary, electricity ect.) The last one will be the combination of the two, the old meeting the new.

I will include iconic imagery of significant robot characters in my idents such as Robotcop, Terminator, Wall-e ect. I will draw elements from the films including colours and a better look into type. (As commented on feedback for my presentation.)

In terms of music and audio I will be using familiar quotes on top of a ten second sound track. Neither quotes of music have yet to be finalised but I have been looking at robot based music such as Daft Punks Robot Rock or Queen Ft Daft Punks Robot Rock you. Non of this yet is finalised.

Thursday, 14 January 2010

Image Editorial

Wooo Illustration Module with Amber. I am very happy little illustrator.

First Brief: Creating a visual to accompany an article. See this post for full problem analysis.

There are 3 articles and 4 separate images. I've started with this one:

The first thing that popped out of this article (This Column Will Change Your Life) was the following quote: "To the moon and back". It's about trying to explain how £850 billion would look visually. When you think about it, to the moon and back isn't very far.

My idea is a simple illustrative image of the moon and earth in close proximity, at the same size. I was going to add either an escalator of pound signs, or pound signs linked together going from the moon to the earth but I'm unsure at this point.

Design Sheet: (Will be added when scanned in)

Black and White Image:

Colour Image: (Scanned the hand made ink image and colour with photoshop using a few textures) :

With The Article:
Overall, I'm quite pleased with how this has turned out. Obviously if I want to present this as the main article then I'll need to come up with something for the Facebook Icon image.

Problem Analysis - Rationale

OUGD205 - Image

Brief: To produce 4 images to accompany 3 separate articles from the guardian newspaper.

Who Needs To Know: Readers of the Guardian and people interested in the articles.

What Do They Need To Know: That the image accompanying the article responds to the information given by the journalist.

Why Do They Need To Know: Re-enforcing the article and establishing the reasoning behind the information given. To see if the article relates to them and to show the content to the audience.

What Will They Respond To: Correlation between the article and illustration.

What Research Is Required:
  • Read each article.
  • Investigate each articles subject matter:
  • imagery
  • related quotations
  • Experimental drawings

Tuesday, 12 January 2010

Movie Season: Robots

Movie Season presentation on robots:

Little bit too simple, never mind.