1. your ability to select develop and evaluate a range of appropriate source
material gathered through a breadth of appropriate research methods
At the beginning of this module, I wasn’t sure what I thought was good. There where things I could list of the top of my head but there was no real way to prove it. This is why I chose Dyslexia,, because I was able to research more into it than I already have done and find specific reasons as to why it is good, and not a hindered like most people believe.
My research methods included browsing the internet, looking through books I already have on the subject and general knowledge. (As well as speaking to dyslexia support that we have in the college.)
I focused on proving that just because a person has dyslexia, does not mean they can not do everything else a person without can do. I also tried to show that having Dyslexia is a positive thing as we learn very differently from a person without it. This type of learning can help with later career moves like becoming an artist or something that involves hand’s on learning and general creativity.
I believe I could have done more surveys in the class and to the general public. After one survey, the answers I received on Dyslexia where as follows: It isn't good to have because you can't spell and it's frustrating, also you get a free mac. I wanted to prove that having a learning disability isn't frustrating all the time because people develop coping techniques to deal with it.
I also want to make this brief fun and that was where my concept idea came into it.
2. The level of investigation and experimentation into appropriate production,
media,processes and technologies.Overall I think I am now that little more knowledgeable on the print process than I was before hand. There were many things about different types of printing that I didn't realise before hand. This had been covered in my print booklet and is a main part of it. I decided to concentrate on different types of printing rather than different paper types ect, (even thought that is also relevant)
I know that writing white text on yellow paper will not be readable once printed, but it is on screen. If I was to make the full print process booklet then this problem would be looked at and rectified as not to blind my reader.
3. the breadth and quality of practical skills, ideas and design development.I think this was probably the strongest part of my work, and I believe I have improved from last year. The idea for the concept came straight away, as well as my audience. The problem I found was that i was struggling with products to make. My first initial idea was a little bottle of positive dyslexia traits, but it had not context. (it was essentially a design floating with no where to live.) So I came up with the Dyslexia Depot idea after researching into the 826NY writing program.
I believe I could have looked into producing different products as well as different themes for the store instead of sticking with the fifty's. I chose that era because it was the age of discovery and development and that was something I wanted to bring to the store.
Overall, I am very pleased with the how the logo for the store turned out as well as the mock up product I made for the presentation boards. Even though it's simple, it works with the era I was looking at (as well as using printing techniques from that era.)
4. the documentation, organisation and presentation of your work for this module.As it was started on the brief, I think I should have done more blog work than I have. Over the last two weeks, it felt as if I never left college which meant I was able to do even more work on my briefs. (which was a good thing)I'm finding it harder to work at home and easier to work in a studio environment. At home, I'm more tempted to leave the work and work on things I don't really have time for (like my illustrating and writing.)
The presentation work at the beginning of the year, (though not judged on graphic design quality) could have been better produced. I'm a designer, which means I should just be putting information into a power point, but really thinking about how it covey's with the audience.
I'm starting to see what kind of style I have and how it is improving and not this needs to follow through into my work.
5. the success of your final products in relation to the briefs.I finalised the 5 A2 boards about four times until I was really happy with them. I like their overall outcome and feel as they convey exactly what I wanted to say. There could have been a few more slides in the PDF to cover a few bit's here and there that I'm only just starting to remember. (Like WHY I went for the fifty's theme), which isn't covered in either the boards of the PDF.
For the presentation boards, I should have booked my self into the print rooms but I kept changing them on a daily basis. However, I think they turned out just as good and it doesn't bother me too much that they don't quite have the professional feel to theme.
Overall, I'm pleased with how my boards and the print booklet turned out, even though I could have planned for the booklet a bit more. Layout and typography are not my strong points but I think it was delivered quite well in that respect.
I am pleased with what I have produced in this module, and I hope to improve with the next module.