Wednesday, 30 September 2009

Group Work

New Brief: What is 'Good'?
Part 1 - Research & Concept...

To get a feel for what we personally think is good, we where spilt into small groups. The thoughts and idea's are mixed and there are several things on the list that I didn't personally think was good. However, it has helped kick start the brief.

Sunday, 27 September 2009

Summer Postcards

The first brief back after the lengthy summer break.

Task: From the summer Taxonomy work, design 4 postcard (A6) size compositions as detailed blow.

- A full colour image, photograph, illusion.
- A 1 colour pictogram representing an activity.
- A 2 colour logo fictitious or a real organisation.
-A "word" 3 colour max (with tints)

This brief has mainly being able to understand basic colour systems used in the print process.

As I spent my summer in a comic book shop working, my Taxonomy book was about the comics and trade backs I "borrowed" from there. (with all the good intentions of returning them when I've finished reading them....)

At first, I started generating words from my summer project along the lines of, books, words, chapters, authors, comics, shop, work ect. From there, I began to make rough sketches for each post card idea.

I've been told in the past that I don't keep things very simple. I try to go for the extreme and bold. This time I didn't and it worked out really well.

I've based the postcards around "Ok Comics" the shop I worked in.

(The Word)



I started with the orange and turquoise colour theme purley on a whim and tried different covers. After asking around, my original scheme seemed to be the most popular so I stuck with it.

Purely fictitious, I'm yet to see the guy's at the shop. I think they rather like their logo, it's clean and easy to reproduce. This was just to kick me back into shape.

Through the crit we had last week, I was able to take a distinct direction with my work. I've also looked at artists like Roy Lichtenstein whose own work was heavily influenced by the comic industry. (More information about that over on my Design Context blog.)

Over all, I'm rather proud of what I have achieved in such a small amount of time and I hope I'll be able to keep this up over the next year.