A new day, a new module. Design for Digital and I'm quite looking forward to it!
I did a year of animation on my ND graphics course so I'm looking forward to learning more about that.
But first, the return of the randomizer box! After the module briefing with Fred, we did a small brief in the space of a few hours just to get the brain going again. We where to pick 3 words from the box and visually represent them on A2 paper.
My words where: Manipulate, Tap, Open
So first, my doodle/idea sheet:

I just wanted to throw some idea's down first and then move along to actually putting them down on paper.

This is my favourite one. It's based on a font I found on DA font, but I changed it to show manipulation. As you can see, the electric shoots through the Serif letters and zaps away their serifs, making them, eventually, san serif.

I didn't just want to draw a tap, or anything related to tapping. So I made the Spinal Tap logo/font. I think this could be animated quite well, if you use a little imagination.

Worst, representation, ever. Seriously, it looks like clip art.